Monday, 13 June 2011

Fringed top

I fringed my Count Von Count T-shirt just the other day. My first 'fringing'. I think that it went well.
I will right a few brief instructions on how I did it so that you can try it if you like it.
It is very simple.

1. Chose the length that you will want the tassels to be by lightly marking where you will but up to on the t-shirt.
2. Cut horizontally up to your marking.
3. Repeat for every centimetre until you have cut all away along the t-shirt.
4. Stretch each tassel just a little bit so that they make a tube shape.
5. Lastly knot the top of each tassel.


Also if you want to add something jazzy you can put beads on the ends of the tassels then knot to keep them on.

I put some butterfly beads on mine.

Anddddd done.

A funky fringed crop top that you can wear this summer.

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